Thursday, 28 April 2011

Audience Feedback

After we had completed our task, we asked our friends to watch and analyse our film and tell us their opinions on the film. Dan Connell and Will Chalcraft were the pair being filmed and they told us what they particularly liked about it and what we could improve on. By acquiring audience feedback it enabled us to see the film from a different point of view and note down things to improve next time.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Main Task Problem

Main Task Alteration

When organising our second shooting of our film, there was a problem with actors being able to make the shooting day. William Chalcraft (pictured below) was busy on the decided day of shooting and this caused some disruption and delay in filming, we in the end i decided to take over the role as the walker alongside Adrian. We had to alter the scenes and re shoot a fresh scene with Adrian and I walking down the tracks. Once we had finalised this scene, we could continue how we left off. Due to this modification, some time was lost planning, however we recovered well to finish our main task off strongly.