Sunday, 23 January 2011

Preliminary Task Out-takes:

After filming all of our short video there were many clips which didn't need to be in the final cut, some of these clips were placed in out-takes and made into a short video. 

First of all, we chose from the clips that were taken out of the final and placed them in the 'Outtakes' section. I then made a short introduction title page and merged together the sections of video, some with transitions. The transition i used was 'Fade To Black' after each different location of outtakes so the flow of the outtakes wasn't too disrupted. 

Preliminary Task

We were informed to conduct a 1 minute film which included the following things:

  • someone walking down a corridor
  • entering a room
  • crossing the room 
  • engaging in a conversation

We were also told to include following camera rules:
  • Shot Reverse Shot
  • 180° Rule

The making of our short film didn't have many problems to encounter apart from the busy warehouse environment sometimes causing filming disruptions. For example dogs started barking during one shoot and a worker started using heavy machinery during shoot which we edited out into our 'Preliminary Out-Takes' video. Apart from that, the filming ran smoothly as we took into account possible errors that may go wrong, eg. different timings of day causing inaccurate filming sequence. 

To start the film we edited in non-diegetic background music to cause suspense and tension as the character walked down the desolate alley way. When the character pulls out a metal tool and lifts it to hit the character, the screen suddenly turns black. Then a blurry image of Nick sprinting out of the warehouse suggested Adrian was drifting in to unconsciousness. 

The last scene shows Nick thinking he has got away until he realises there is a car behind him, we edited the car's moving speed to make the chase more dramatic.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Preliminary Task

When choosing a location for our preliminary task we wanted a mysterious, long alleyway with a warehouse situated towards the end. This alleyway we wanted to use was perfect and the warehouse fitted our specifications.
This was the view that we wanted the first scene to start with. It straight away gives a high angle shot of the surroundings and familiarises audience with appearance of the alleyway and warehouse . When the character is walking down the alleyway into the warehouse this shot also looks like he is being watched from above adding suspense.

The warehouse itself was very dark and eerie which fitted the story line of our preliminary film and the old bricks and scenery made it very mysterious. The warehouse hadn't been very well looked after and suited a drug deal atmosphere.

The doorway would have to be used for part of our film as the camera will show a character running from the doors out into the alleyway and the look from outside of the rust old warehouse matched the appearance of it inside. So the surroundings of the warehouse were suited to plot as well.

The shattered glass window on the side of the warehouse suggested that the alley way was dangerous and abandoned which fitted perfectly with the rest of the warehouse and the alleyway its self.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Premliminary Ideas Page

Before filming my premliminary i completed an 'Premlinary Ideas Page' in which covered the specifications for where the film was going to be set and the plot involved. On the sheet i covered: What i needed to include, Location specification and the plot and what was going to happen in the film,. By compleeting this take i gathered information on my Premliminary task and shaped the film so i could start working on it. It provided a base for the film to expand and start with. I could also predict any problems that could arise with the project; such as location purposes and take necessary action.