Friday, 17 December 2010


Sound is used in Media when creating effects and helping get the message across to the audience. Sound is very important in portraying images and add to the emotion in the scene. Eg. Fast paced background music during a thriller scene to increase tension felt by reader.

Sound that other characters would be able to hear. A song on a radio, for instance, as a character drives down the highway, would be a diegetic sound.

Any voice, musical passage or sound effect that comes from outside the world of the movies; like background music, for instance. If the characters can't hear the sound, it's non-diegetic.

Sounds natural to any film scene's environment.

Synchronous:Audio matched to images. When the mouth moves, the words come out in sync.

Sound Effects:
Special effects using sound to suggest a story element such as background, time, place, character, etc. Also used to heighten and intensify action or evoke an emotional response.
An artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner.

Selective Sound:
The removal of some sounds and the retention of others to make significant sounds more recognizable, or for dramatic effect: to create atmosphere, meaning and emotional nuance.

Sound Bridges:
The use of sound to help transistions between the sequences pass more fluid.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Match On Action

Match On Action

Match on action is where a cut in film editing between two different objects, spaces or compostitions in which an object in the two shots link together and match so the film scene flows and doesnt look out of place. This helps to establish a strong continuity of action and linking the two shots metaphorically.

This video is an example of match on action and shows the women throwing the board game across the table. To begin with the camera shows the two girls sitting at the table but when the board is thrown across the table out of sight the camera suddenly switches angle so the camera is focusing on the girl who threw the board. This way you can see the girls angry expressions as soon as she's thrown the board, which makes the audience see how she is reacting.